Dog food bowls for puppies may seem like a simple purchase, but there are many kinds available and advantages and disadvantages to using each type.
Dog food bowls range from stainless steel dog bowls to small slow feed pet bowls and even ceramic dog bowls. In addition to deciding what material to choose, you also should think about features.
So how do you choose one for your Bichon Frise?
Look for a bowl for your puppy that is sized for a puppy, is safe and sturdy.
And, of course it is always nice to have a dish that can be cleaned easily or washed in your dishwasher. Cleaning your dog’s bowls in the dishwasher will sterilize them and eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses. Dirty bowls can harbor germs that cause diarrhea in puppies.
Also, try to find a bowl that doesn’t tip over easily, so you don’t end up with food or water scattered all over the floor. Puppies can be clumsy, and they can be rough on their bowls!
Types of Dog Food Bowls
Puppy dishes come in a number of different materials, shapes and sizes. You will have to decide which type is best for your dog.

Stainless Steel Dog Bowls
Stainless steel puppy bowls are popular because they are bacteria resistant, easy to clean, won’t break if your Bichon plays roughly with them, and most can be cleaned in the dishwasher.
Look for a non-skid bottom, which makes eating quieter and keeps the bowl from tipping over or moving around. If you find one with a weight in the bottom, all the better. Unlike plastic, your puppy can’t harm steel by chewing on it!
Plastic Dog Food Bowls
Plastic is always difficult to keep clean, as small cracks and nicks can harbor bacteria. Also, puppies can chew off pieces and eat them–not a good thing for your dog’s digestive system!
However, if your pup does not chew his bowl, heavy duty plastic puppy food bowls can be a good choice. It doesn’t break and many products have a slow feed feature, to help your dog eat at a moderate pace, instead of gulping down her food—and then gagging or vomiting. Plastic dog bowls are generally very inexpensive.
Ceramic or Glass Puppy Feeder Bowl
Especially if you have a playful or active puppy who pushes her dish around while she eats, you should avoid breakable bowls that sit directly on the ground.

However, some ceramic bowls sit in a frame or holder. And some glass bowls are tough enough to resist breaking.
Ceramic dog food bowls are easy to keep clean and sterile, either by hand washing or washing in the dishwasher. Many can also be used in the microwave. Ceramic puppy food bowls often have cute designs and can be attractive and fun.
Slow Feed Silicone Dog Bowl
This puppy dog food bowl takes meals to the next level. Made of silicone, it’s anti-skid, and it is designed to slow your dog’s eating. The feeder is soft and flexible, and it makes eating a kind of game.
Automatic Dog Feeder
Do you work or have a busy schedule? When puppies are little, they need to eat often and on a regular schedule. With this automatic dog feeder, you can make sure that your puppy is fed the right amount and on time. It will release food, up to 12 times a day! This automatic pet feeder is great for Bichon Frise pups or for cats, because it is small and you can moderate how much food they get!

Novelty Toilet Design Water Dish
Some things are just more fun than others. Puppies are fun, by nature. This cute novelty dog water bowl feeder is sure to get some laughs! Of course this design is not for everyone’s home…
Elevated Dog Bowls
The type of puppy bowl you choose, is also dictated by your dog’s age and physical characteristics.
For example, when a dog gets older and has joint stiffness and pain, an elevated feeder makes him more comfortable. If your dog has long ears, choose a deep or narrow feeder that keeps her ears outside of the water or food.
On average a dog needs one ounce of water per pound per day, so gauge the size of your bowls accordingly. A 15 pound Bichon Frise needs 15 ounces of water each day.
Finally for those of you who like to take your Bichon to the park or traveling with you, consider getting a collapsible travel bowl.
The design of travel bowls makes them very portable (many even fold up when empty). The nice thing here is that you can be certain your pup stays hydrated on warm days, even if you’re out for several hours.
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