Bichon Frise puppy care takes a little time and effort, but it will be worth every minute! Bichons need extensive grooming, but they are otherwise easy to care for.
Just as getting ready for a new baby takes some thought and planning, getting ready for your new puppy will require some preparation as well .
You will need to puppy-proof your home and purchase some basic equipment before you go to get your new Bichon Frise puppy.
Caring for Your Bichon Frise Puppy
Taking time to care for your puppy and to teach her manners and obedience, is well worth the effort!

Taking care of a new puppy is lots of fun, and it can also be lots of work! But, once you get the hang of it, you’ll bond with your new puppy and enjoy many good times together.
Bichon Frise puppy care, while important, is not difficult when you know what to do…
Basics of Bichon Frise Puppy Care
As a new Bichon Frise puppy owner, you will have some responsibilities. Here are some of the things that will be your responsibility:
A Place to Sleep
Initially, while you are housebreaking your puppy, you may have him sleep in his metal dog crate. A metal crate is the most practical solution for your dog’s first bed. He can see you while he’s in his crate. And he’s also safe and comfortable.
However, as he gets older, you may want to have a comfortable bed in a furniture dog crate that goes well with the furniture in your home. This is a nice way to blend your dog’s special space into your family’s activities and rooms.
Another consideration for new puppy owners is helping your new puppy feel at home. She is separated from her Mom and brothers and sisters, and it has to feel really lonely. It is very common for a new puppy to cry during the first few nights in her new home.
Feeding Your Puppy
You’ll need to decide on a good dog food and diet for your dog, and put him on a regular dog feeding schedule. Many people simply choose to continue using the dog food that their puppy ate at the breeders’.
You will also need to choose safe and appropriate dog bowls for your puppy.
Plan to purchase these before you get your puppy, so you will have them when she arrives. You’ll find a list of items that you’ll need for your new puppy here.
Training Your Puppy
Part of your pet parent responsibility is training. A well behaved Bichon Frise with basic obedience training and good manners is loved by everyone. And fun to be with.
In addition, when your dog is well trained, you can take her anywhere. Taking your dog with you, gives you more opportunities to travel and to enjoy more events and activities.
The system used by Doggy Dan is gentle and loving, and it works very well with stubborn little Bichons! You can try the videos for 3 days for just $1.
When your puppy is still very young, you will need to socialize him so that he will be comfortable with people and with other dogs.
Your Puppy’s Health and Safety
As a pet parent, it is your responsibility to keep your puppy safe and healthy. Here are some things to consider:
- Temperature control – When the weather gets too hot or too cold for your puppy, you’ll need to help him out. You will have to provide a way to keep him comfortable.
- Safety outdoors – To keep your puppy safe, you may have to consider fencing or walking your dog on a leash.
- Medical care – Your vet will give you a schedule for vaccinations, to avoid problems like distemper. And you may consider neutering your dog.
- Illness – Even the healthiest puppy can eat something bad for him or get sick once in awhile, and the result can be vomiting or diarrhea. Puppies sometimes get worms, and will need to be de-wormed.
- Routine activities – Some things are just routine and all dog owners do these things. Your puppy will go through teething and other puppy stages as she matures.
Grooming Your Puppy
You will need to groom or brush your Bichon Frise puppy regularly, even if you decide on the more informal Puppy Cut. Bichons, because of their thick double coats, require lots of attention and frequent grooming.
Because Bichons often have trouble with their teeth, you’ll also need to brush your dog’s teeth and consider using one of the gel or spray products that help keep plaque to a minimum.
In addition, keep your dog’s nails trimmed and her ears clean and free from hair.
Brushing and handling your new puppy helps you bond with her. And puppies love the attention!
Potty Training Your Puppy
For most of us, crate training our new puppy is high on the list of new puppy goals. The sooner your puppy is house trained, the more normal your life will become again!
However, sadly, Bichon Frise puppies are noted for being very difficult to house train! They quickly learn to hide their little gifts to you, behind furniture and under things, where they think you won’t find them. Just when you thought she was perfectly well behaved when outside of her crate.
Bichons can be quite obstinate when it comes to potty training! And cleaning up urine and getting rid of urine stains are no fun for you.
This FREE mini-course on Bichon Frises will give you some good ideas.
Fun with your Puppy
Some things are just routine and all dog owners do these things. Your puppy will go through teething and other puppy stages as she matures.
But don’t forget that you’ll want to spend some special fun time with your new puppy. You can even provide him with little toys like stuffed animals. If your dog is a strong chewer, you might want to look into some indestructible toys for him.
So, if you are very busy and will not have much time to spend with your dog, a Bichon Frise may not be the dog for you. They are demanding, hard to train and require a lot of grooming.
On the other hand, if you can spend some quality time each day with your Bichon puppy, you will be rewarded by the companionship of a true friend, who really loves you!
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