Knowing how to train a puppy is important for new Bichon Frise owners, if you want your new puppy to grow into a well-behaved pleasant dog that people enjoy being around.
While it would be nice if all Bichon Frises had perfect behavior right from the start, the reality is that you will need to work with your new puppy to teach her how to behave.

While it is true that Bichon Frises are very happy, cheerful little dogs, they can also be willful or manipulative. And they are notorious for being hard to potty train.
This is true, whether you decide to paper train your puppy or crate train her using a metal crate.
In fact, Bichons are among the top 10 dogs that are the most difficult to house train!
They are sensitive and very willing to please, so training a Bichon should never be done with force or undue strictness.
Bichon Frises do respond to gentle firmness.
The Challenge of Training a Bichon

If not trained properly, a Bichon Frise can end up being the Alpha dog (or dog in charge) of your household. That should be YOUR place!
Training your Bichon correctly, will show your Bichon that YOU are in charge!
While training your new Bichon Frise puppy may seem daunting at first, it can be done easily if you know how. You will need to have short (5-10 minutes) but regular training sessions with your puppy.
Make each training session fun for your dog, a game or play time with rewards for following your instructions. Part of each training session is establishing that you are the leader of your puppy’s “pack”.
Even a command as simple as “sit” can be fun for your puppy. When she does it right, she gets a treat!

Start working with your puppy right away. Even if you think you don’t know how to train a puppy, you will learn how to do it, and puppies are very forgiving.
Most importantly, you need to be consistent in your training, patient with your puppy or dog and you need to use effective training methods (shown in the Doggy Dan videos). You can view the videos for just $1 for 3 full days. Just click on the link above to get started.
Later, when your dog has learned to obey your commands, you can move on to really fun activities like agility training. This can give both of you a great workout!
Doggy Dan Makes Puppy Training Easy
I would not be exaggerating to say that I have researched and examined dozens of dog training programs. Most programs have some good points and tips to help with training.

However, I must admit that I was bowled over when I found the Doggy Dan training program.
Doggy Dan has a gentle manner and obviously loves dogs, and they love him in return. But, far more important, his simple-to-use system really works!
I’ll paraphrase some tips that Doggy Dan gives in his videos:
- Take charge and be the pack leader – Dan gives you 5 easy steps to follow. Just taking these easy steps soon puts you in charge. This first tip will work miracles with even the most stubborn Bichon Frise.
- Teach your dog to come – Dan will show you how to do this, using a long lead. When your puppy obeys this command, it should always be a positive experience. Never call your puppy to come, to discipline him.
- Stay calm. – You need to stay calm and your dog will sense your mood. When you become frustrated or anxious, your puppy feels anxious and upset, as well.
- Socialize your puppy early – Your dog needs to become comfortable with both people and other dogs.
- Teach in steps – Puppies learn quickly and they are eager students. But, if your puppy is having trouble learning a new command or trick, break it down into steps. You will soon have success.
If you have a lot of allergies is a bichon the dog for you?
Hi Rose,
Bichons can be a good choice for people with allergies, as they are a hypoallergenic breed. If your read this post on hypoallergenic dogs I list other breeds you might consider, as well.