Agility dog training is fun for both Bichons and their owners, is great exercise for both of you and a way to socialize with other pet owners.
Dog agility clubs give you a chance to learn how to do dog agility training, exercise along with your dog, and find people who have common interests.
Plus using dog agility equipment, like a dog agility chute, gives your Bichon a great chance to work off some of that excess energy.
Agility Dog Training for Bichon Frises?
At first you might not think of a Bichon Frise as being a dog well suited to agility training.
Nonetheless, the seemingly boundless energy of this breed along with their desire to please their pack leader (That’s you!) makes a great combination for success.
And there is another advantage. Agility dog training is a healthy outlet. When your Bichon gets lots of exercise and stimulation, he is less likely to engage in negative behaviors like nipping and chewing.

Affordable Agility in the Bag lets you practice agility fun games at home! And you don’t have to wait for good weather. If you have a large area like a basement or empty garage, you can also play indoors.
Bichon Frises on the Run!
The basic concept of dog agility training boils down to teaching your dog how to navigate an obstacle course.
You give voice commands that guide your Bichon through the various challenges.
Until your puppy is old enough to participate, you can play little games with her, that will help to prepare her for agility training. Practice commands like Come, Sit, and Stay.
An Affordable Agility in the Bag can help you decide if you and your dog will enjoy agility competitions.
Of course, if you really want to get serious (and want to increase the fun), you could get an 18′ long dog agility tunnel.
And you’ll want to have a copy of The Beginner’s Guide to Dog Agility, which will give you ideas for fun and thoughts on how to get your dog into the game.
As training progresses, your puppy will learn to take commands, while exercising his body and mind – which is great for a smart breed like this one.
Your Dog and Agility Dog Training
Now it should be noted that not every Bichon Frise will enjoy agility training. This is where knowing your dog, and specifically your relationship with your dog is very important.
See how your puppy responds to training activities like fetching, jumping, and rolling over. If she seems happy and responsive, then your pup has potential for agility training.
It’s also important that you have time to invest in this process. You will need to train with your dog regularly, and this will involve a commitment of time.
Depending on the rules for courses in your area, your dog will need to be a certain age before he can work on the agility course. This is for your dog’s safety. But you can still play together and practice simple agility activities at home, until your pup is ready for real dog agility courses.
Getting Started with Agility Training for Dogs
If you are very interested in dog agility training with your Bichon, then you should look for a dog agility club in your area.
Club members can tell you about the equipment and rules of various competitions. Some agility games are more intensive than others – so again, be sensitive to your dog and what you KNOW he can and can’t do.
If agility training is a new sport for you, a copy of The Beginner’s Guide to Dog Agility by Laurie Leach is a great way to become familiar with the sport. And it will give you lots of ideas to try with your dog.
Agility training for dogs is a wonderful sport, for dogs and owners alike. Bichon Frise breeds often do very well in competitions, where previously you might have never seen such a small dog before.
Keep in mind that the endurance and speed challenges are hard for smaller breeds, but the challenges requiring flexibility and intelligence – that’s where they shine.
Most Bichons love learning new tricks and the on-going level of activity required for agility training will help keep your dog fit and trim (avoiding obesity).
Work on one maneuver at a time. Stay upbeat and loving. And the results may surprise you…
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